फिल्‍म 'मैंने प्‍यार किया' की अभिनेत्री भाग्‍यश्री को तो सब जानते ही हैं, उन्‍होंने अपनी मासूमियत से लाखों फैंस को अपना दीवाना बना दिया था. लेकिन अब उनकी बेटी अवंतिका ने अपने ग्‍लैमरस अवतार से सबको अपना फैन बना लिया है.

अवंतिका सोशल मीडिया पर खूब एक्टिव रहती हैं और लगातार अपनी फोटोज शेयर करती रहती हैं. सूत्रों की मानें तो अवंतिका लंदन के सीएएसएस बिजनेस स्कूल में बिजनेस और मार्केटिंग की पढ़ाई कर रही हैं. उनकी कई फोटोज सोशल मीडिया पर छाई हुई हैं.

अवंतिका के इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर नजर डालें तो यह साफ है कि उन्हें ट्रेवलिंग, डांसिंग, फैशन और दोस्तों के साथ पार्टी एन्जॉय करना काफी पसंद है.

यहां देखें अवंतिका की वायरल तस्वीरें.


Khaleesi arriving in Kings Landing

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#Prohibition got the best of us

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Some expressions speak for themselves

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// As Is // "Reserving judgement is a matter of infinte hope" -The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerlad. One of my most admired writers, book and quote that embodies my lense of breathing and things. Often in life, whether it's people or situations, our aggregate thought process and preconceived notions dictate the usual course of action, reaction and responses that we create. However, allowing a moment to be absolutely nothing less or more than the very structural fragments that hold it together, can change the very perspective to life, and consequentially life itself. To engulf a moment in its entirety, to very realistically live it beyond its boundaries of 'people' defined potential and more. Simply by the thought of not analysing it, altering it, or forming an opnion of it, to just be with it. And carry on to the next and the next, taking in every ounce of magic that this universe weaves together, is way beyond what you and I can perceive it to be and yet it is nothing more than simple what lies in front of you. Read the lines. The spaces in between in them are blank for you to breathe. How often do you find yourself gasping for air, racing with your past and future, it's a race your not gonna win. So take a glass of wine, Sit by my side, Divulge in your contradictory nature, the trails of your human existence. To be or not to be, is it not truly the question of essence. We are nothing but a bunch of unending ideas, thoughts and experiences. We laugh, We cry We start, We die And in every action we create a symphony of a beautiful rhyme. #TellTaleHearts #HelloSoul #Croatia #Dubrovnik #traveldiaries #quotesonquotes #quoteoftheday

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